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YMCA welcomes the stark but timely report published today by the House of Commons Committee of Public Accounts on care leavers’ transition to adulthood.

With the report finding that nearly two thirds of care leaver services are rated as ‘inadequate’ or ‘requiring improvement’, YMCA has called for the Government to act immediately on the recommendations made.

In particular YMCA welcomes the report’s focus on enabling care leavers to find suitable accommodation.

Responding to the report Denise Hatton, Chief Executive of YMCA England said: “More than 10,000 young people leave care each year and, as the report sets out, too many are being left to live in unsuitable accommodation.

“Being unable to live at home can quickly lead to young people becoming isolated, lonely and lacking self-esteem, missing out on educational and social opportunities that others of the same age take for granted.

“Without a safe place to stay and the guidance of caring, responsible adults, many of these young people are at increased risk of periods of unemployment and homelessness.

“The Chair of the Committee of Public Accounts is right to say that young people are being ‘let down by the system that’s supposed to support them’ and it is imperative that the Government takes action.”

Read the full report here.