Gabriel Cole

Gabriel Cole has been supported by YMCA Swansea for the past 12 months. Prior to this, the 21-year-old was struggling to overcome a range of emotional issues..

He said: “I was really lost and struggling with life before coming to YMCA; they helped me get my life together and I am grateful for it.

“YMCA has supported me to access guidance around looking for jobs and making decisions on colleges. Because of the help staff have given me, I now want to get into a role supporting others.

“I want to go into youth work or counselling and support other young people to overcome difficulties they face. I would also like to work in my YMCA if the opportunity ever arises.”

Gabriel says a number of recommendations within YMCAs in Wales’ Manifesto will help people going through similar issues as him.

He says: “The most important thing to me is to have a safe space to stay, to be able to fulfil my potential through education and training, and to have a voice within society.

“I think it’s also important for 16 and 17-year-olds to be able to vote as it is their generation who have to live in the future we decide. However, for this to work we need more education on policies and politics in general. To me, having a voice means having the ability to get my opinions and ideas across and to stand up for myself and others.”

Read our YMCAs in Wales Manifesto. Show your support on social media with the hashtag #YMCAforWales